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1 Translation result for to press in Spanish


press verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pressed, has pressed, is pressing, presses
apretar; prensar (frutas, flores, etc.); apiñarse; planchar (ropa); abrirse paso; presionar; instar, apremiar

Example sentences of
press verb

  • Don't press that button.
  • He is pressing us to make a decision.

Synonyms of
press verb

Reverse translation for to press

apretar  - to press, to push, to press, to push (a button), to tighten, to fit tightly, to be too tight, to squeeze 
prensar  (frutas, flores, etc.) - to press 
apiñarse  - to crowd together, to huddle 
planchar  (ropa) - to iron 
presionar  - to pressure, to put on the pressure, to press, to push 
instar  - to urge, to press, to be urgent or pressing 
apremiar  - to pressure, to urge, to be urgent 
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